Prisoner intake is the main source of income for a prison. Managing prisoners, managing staff, and building their required rooms are the three key areas of running a prison. In Prison Architect mode (the crux of the game) players will start from scratch and design their prison. This new edition comes with the base game, the Psych Ward DLC, and the “A Day and a Night” DLC. Prison Architect, the simulation game that lets players make the prison of their dreams, has recently seen a re-release of the game that came out a year ago. I did build a prison, and had quite a good time, save for a few annoyances along the way. It’s also something I never thought I wanted to do. * Put your laundry mat right in the middle of your cell block(s) or attach it the outside, since the laundry room currently has no contraband, why not.Building and managing a prison is something I never thought I’d do. * Put drains on the doors just in case a riot starts. * Make the room bigger to add more inmates to work. Food is delivered to the serving tables much faster.
Eliminates the need for free time after sleep. They have to be in the canteen not just next to it or inmates won't use them. * Add toilets and showers to avoid fights during breakfast. (Too many inmates cooking for a small population.)

* Adding more serving tables will hold more food but doesn't make Inmates get their food any faster even if you have made too much food. * When a large crowd enters the Canteen, they take turns in waves, gathering their food trays. Leaving room between benches will help you gather food trays faster and help inmates enter and leave quicker. * Everyone slows down when crossing over a table or bench. Its cheap and inmates spend more time eating. * I only use the first 2 starting chefs then just use inmates. After they finish cooking they take it straight to closest serving table that isn't full. * If you have inmate cooks, do not block off the delivery area with staff only deployment or they won't gather any food. *WARNING: Put a staff only area outside of the kitchen or inmates will wander off. * Inmates only cook when their working, so make sure they work before they eat. * Can't hire anymore chefs? Put inmates to work in the kitchen. Makes it easier to get more food cooked when your prison grows. * Place it right next to the delivery area. This allows for a cooker, fridge, sink, 2 large jail doors at each end, and room for a couple inmate cooks. * Put toilets and showers if your using this place to hold inmates instead of using free time. * Hire a grounds keeper to keep it clean, if inmates complain that its dirty. * Good place for phone booths, if inmates want family. * Place some weights, if they want exercise but don't run around. * Its good for filling in the space between buildings, just don't forget to build some concrete tiles, or workers just crawl through it. * No need to deploy here, most guards like to gather in the yard, if unassigned. * Place this special spot on the regime to cut down on free time inside the cell. * See that guy staying awake at night while everyone else is sleeping, probably best to search his cell. If only I could fix the tunnels while viewing in that mode. * Having a hard time spotting tunnels, research deployment, those brown lines should pop right out at ya. * Do a shake down right at sleep time to collect contraband that slipped by the metal detector and to get any contraband from any new inmates. * I go 24 squares from the nearest cell and put a fence on the outside of that cell block. * Do not align the toilets, inmates will tunnel together if their tunnels connect. ( I think it has to do with cleanliness). * Put showers in the cells but inmates from different cells and different cell blocks, will visit each other and walk most of the time to the shower they prefer. Guards seem to have difficulty in it but prisoners do just fine. I crammed cells right next to each other and just installed doors. * You can only use doors for walls, (yes even the walls to the outside) if you want, same price as concrete. * If you want to start with a jail cell right off, then try starting with a 13x12 foundation. Keep close to the road, BUT not if you plan to make into jail cells. ° If you make a giant holding cell beware, guards that bring in new prisoners think they need to be put at the far end of the cell. Upside, no one tries to crawl through their toilet to escape ( tunneling).

Add concrete and doors as funds become available Add beds and toilets in the outlined cells. ° Make your prison a giant holding cell, then outline the cells with planning. ° Minimum 5x5 surrounded by walls and a door.